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Write On! Lay Your Foundation So You Can Kick Some Ass

This is a FREE workshop designed for you to lay that foundation for whatever writing project you are planning to sink your juicy kabooty into this Fall. Sometimes we all need a running leap, a start, a push, a place to begin, and this course is EXACTLY that.

If you’ve been pining to write, but you keep staring at a blank page waiting for the muse to move through you, STOP that!

In this workshop you’ll discover the muse only comes when she’s got some tasty treats to work with. This is your opportunity to lay out a pu-pu platter for her so that you can chow down with your writing!

You’ll walk away from this FREE workshop with a roadmap for where you’re going. Think of this workshop as your:

  • survival kit

  • your break glass incase of emergency

  • your ADHD medication!

What you produce in this workshop will help to gas your engine as you navigate your writing journey this fall! Sign up! You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING To gain. It’s time for you to write, so let’s write already. You’ll amaze yourself at what you can accomplish in one hour if you JUST DO IT!

The only thing you need to come with is a hatchling of an idea of what you’d like to write and trust me, the rest is history!

Register Here

May 2

Art and Soul Camp

September 12

Write On!