Full Moon Ritual Sample Agenda For Newbies

So, I’ve been known to host a moon ritual or two in my backyard. It’s a fascination of mine to learn about the cosmos, astrology and dabble in some spiritual spaces. I read Tarot cards, have a tray full of crystals that I charge in moonlight. I have been known to say things like, “It’s going to be a tough week, Mars is in retrograde”, not really knowing what I am talking about. I love speculating about how the moon and the planets are impacting our decisions, our energy and our intentions.

Even though I am sort of full of it, and only dabble in the fringes of being a witch, I love hosting moon rituals. First of all, they usually include a fire. Who doesn’t love that? I typically invite guests, though the one I’ve written for you can be done solo. They always include a meditation and a visualization, and either we spend our time setting intentions (New Moon) or we invite, ask, release, and make room (Full Moon). Moon rituals are like hitting the pause button. They give you an excuse to think about what’s important to you and to whisper your goals, intentions and dreams to the moon.

This Thursday, January 28th is the January Full Moon. It’s also the Day of Miracles, which is considered the luckiest day in the year! It’s the Sun and Jupiter conjunction (who knows what that means?!), but I couldn’t resist sharing my recipe for a yummy full moon ritual to host alone or with some friends. If you have a backyard, light a fire and distance around it. If you don’t, get a bonfire Zoom background and invite some friends to meet you virtually.

A simple ritual for the Full Moon Day of Miracles. Participants will need a paper and pen, and if they like, markers and crayons.

  1. Welcome everyone. If you are alone, that’s great too. Either way, say something like, “I’m proud of you for taking this time to acknowledge this day. It’s a special day where possibility is endless, and you can set your dreams into action. Tonight we will focus on abundance and possibility.

  2. Practice a short meditation or visualization about abundance. If you’re willing to make an investment, check out the Chani or Chopra app. There are great meditations available there.

  3. Draw a picture of what is possible for you this year. What dream is inherent in that possibility? What is the largest expression of that dream? Remind everyone, including yourself, that this does not need to be perfect, and the point is to create an expression of what is possible.

  4. Ask if anyone would like to share what they drew.

  5. Ask everyone to close their eyes and what they are welcoming to allow for that possibility. What will they DO to make it happen?

  6. Ask everyone to share what they are welcoming with one another.

  7. When everyone has shared, ask everyone what they will need to release to make room for this possibility. Ask them to write it on a piece of paper.

  8. If there is a fire, your guests can symbolically burn what they are ready to release by burning the paper with it written on it. If not, guests can rip it up.

  9. Once all of the paper is ripped or burned, ask participants to hold their drawing close to their heart. Ask them to promise to protect their possibilities and to stay open to everything that comes with it.

  10. Thank everyone for coming, and wish them an abundance of luck on the day of miracles.


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