She Said From the She Shed - Why not?

My dear friend and often collaborator, Caitlin Peterson and I have launched a Podcast which you can catch on Facebook Live every Saturday @ approx 10am. It’s called She Said From the She Shed.

Caitlin is an LCSW with a thriving practice, and she and I have found a ton of intersection in our work over the last few years. The thing we love to do most though is laugh at ourselves.

In each episode of She Said, nothing is off the table. We contemplate things like - Is it normal to run out of underwear, know that there is a freshly clean pair waiting for you in the dryer and still opt to go commando?

Caitlin and I keep each other in check by running through our “what we should be doing” checklist. It’s always hilarious to discover how the “should be” doings end up being the things that feel most ridiculous in the end.

We’re doing this show to combat our own burn out, to invite others to join in for the ride, and to say poo poo to the “shoulds” and “normals” out there.

Join us every Saturday, and bring your questions and wonderings about what’s normal or not. We’re here for it! We always have a good time and love it when you pop in to share the fun. Follow us here to learn more.

She Said From the She Shed

Saturdays @ 10am on Facebook Live


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